‘They have got to be happy
as a nobody and a nothin -
this is an annihilation of self’ -jesus
Yes, following the Trinity is difficult...
yet the rewards are outta-this-world
(besides, girls, you’ll get to reign/queen Upstairs)
trustNjesus! trustNjesus! trustNjesus!!
This shall give you opportunities to think about narcissistic Satan who has ‘em: fallen souls who were too overcome by the passionate world to give a vocab; then comes along us: muuuuuuuch higher than a low, 10th-degree-black-belt, descending into the Abyss o’Misery which cannot hurt the Holy Ones, or the stimulating stank, searching for CrazzySawce amongst his inflated, inpatient facility ->
Who wouldn’t like to go down the ladder to the netherworld with karate or aikido or Tae Kwon Do or Jiu Jitsu ... friends sometime? Once per week? Twice? We gotta lotta unruly wildlife in their marooned minds that must have some VitSee ...or they’ll never get Home. Don’tcha love being God’s Emissaries?
Once you descend, however, demonic hordes coming atchoo left-and-write looking for a fight. Seeing as clear-as-day in that darkNdreary realm. Strangulation with nunchucks or escrima sticks (just as lethal in the hands of a psycho ninja). They’re big? God can make us big plus! invisible. Just say so. Though with a rogue ninja, you might have total psychosis discerning their literal reality. Throwing 5-pointed-stars with precision: you might throw’m so hard, they’d go through several of ‘em. Let’s have contests. Sharp-swords which softly sing. Rescuing only 1 soul per person - they’d climb onto your back. Yet, of course, y’gotta tie their extremities secure: most of ‘em will lie-like-a-rug if not all of ‘em. Figures withe Liar. Just tell’m, ‘wait till we gitta Uppastairs; iffa youse donta like...’ [wait] ‘Shirley youse love d’New Joisey axent...?’ 7thHeaven’s fun nevertheless. Don’t doubt me, dude; better than the flames anyday ->
...then climbing-up the ladder to justly inhabit the exquisite, yet the LIARs baskets shriveling like his dictaphone. So write! Lemme read it Upstairs and see if you wanna downstairs >-
Teen girls first. Then women. Then young men. Then olden dudes. ‘Some are off limits’ -God. Gotcha. As your captain, follow orders ...or you’re outta here. Guess you don’t have the moxie to <LISTEN> which is another reason our society is collapsing.
Q: can God make mistakes? A: never: sHe just lets ‘em suffer for what they’ve caused others to do; now when their time of anguish is finished, sHe shall let ‘em join Her in the vaaast universe. Completely fair: what we give, wiccans, so shall we receive.